Traveling with Montessori: Portable Toys for Babies on the Go

Summer’s almost here, and it’s time for some well-deserved family fun! No matter if you're pitching a tent in the great outdoors or jet-setting to a new destination, vacations are all about making memories that last a lifetime.

But hey, we get it - as parents, we want our little ones to soak up every bit of knowledge they can, even during traveling. However, it’s not always easy to keep them engaged and happy while on the road.

Cute baby sitting in the travel suitcase and wearing yellow sunglasses.

Ever heard of the Montessori method? It’s like the special way of education, putting the accent on hands-on learning and independence. And guess what? It’s not just for the classroom! With a dash of creativity, you can bring Montessori to your family travels.

So buckle up, folks, because we're about to show you how to turn your vacation into a learning adventure.

How to Travel with Babies

Traveling with young young ones, especially those aged 0-2, can feel like a big challenge. But there’s no room for worries on your travels, right?

Here’s a couple of tips to consider:

1. Time it right: First, give yourself plenty of time. Babies need time to adjust, so rushing isn't a good idea. And there’s always a possibility you forgot something and need to go back to pick it up.
2. Plan things out: Another idea is to use a visual travel plan. Make a simple chart showing each step of the journey. This will help you be in control and always be ready to act.
Children sitting in an electric car wearing winter clothes.

3. Don’t improvise: Stick to your child's routine as much as possible. Keep meal and nap times consistent. This helps them feel comfortable and secure while traveling.

4. Bring loads of fun: Babies love when they’re surrounded by familiar stuff, and Montessori toys by age are the perfect example. Always bring your children’s favorite toys while traveling.

Truth be told, with a little creativity and patience, traveling with young kids can be an adventure everyone enjoys!

Portable Montessori Toy Ideas

When it comes to traveling with Montessori, the key is to pack light but smart. Opt for toys that are compact, versatile, and stimulate your child's senses and imagination. 

Cute display of Montessori toys.

We've rounded up a selection of Montessori toys that are perfect for on-the-go learning and fun.

Here’s a couple of options to consider:

1. Montessori Story Book

Babies are learning something new every minute. That's why the Montessori Story Book is a hit - it lets them explore new textures and shapes, and most importantly, it keeps them engaged for quite some time.

And for busy travelers, it's a lifesaver! With 16 stories and activities, it keeps kids entertained without screens.

Plus, it's great for their development. This clever book helps develop fine motor skills, memory, and cognitive abilities. It also fosters independence, creativity, and problem-solving - solid for just one book, right?

Montessori Story Book.

So next time you're on a plane or in a car buzzing on the freeway, skip the screen time and opt for the Montessori Story Book. Soft, quiet, and easy to clean, it's the perfect travel companion for curious young explorers.

2. Montessori Switch Board

It may look like something for grown-ups, but trust us, your little one will be all over it! This Wooden Switch Board is a safe, fun, and amazing toy to bring on your next adventure.

With switches, buttons, keys, and cables all over, it's a tech-lover's dream come true - minus the screen time, of course! Watch as your little one learns about technology in a hands-on way, getting the best out of 8 different switches and turning lights off and on.

Montessori Wooden Switch Board.

Speaking of travel, forget about boredom. This compact toy fits in any bag and keeps kids entertained for hours during long car rides. Plus, with everything securely tied together, there's no need to worry about losing parts. 

3. Montessori Spinning Drum

This toy is a game-changer for your newborn. This simple yet versatile drum is a must-have for on-the-go adventures. It stimulates your baby's senses, making car rides or flights more enjoyable. Plus, it's great for tummy time in your hotel room or at the beach.

As your little one grows, they'll love exploring and spinning it during breaks from travel. It’s made from safe, smooth wood with non-toxic paint; it's gentle on your baby's skin and eco-friendly too.

Montessori Spinning Drum.

Not only does the Montessori Spinning Drum provide endless entertainment, but it also promotes essential skills like fine motor development and sensory stimulation. Next time you’re going on a vacation, don’t forget your child’s favorite toy, a spinning drum. 

Montessori Tips While Traveling with Babies

Bags are packed, the car is ready, and you're all set for your family adventure. Here are some tips to make the most of Montessori toys while traveling with your little one:

  • Let your baby explore: During your vacation, give your baby the freedom to explore at their own pace. Avoid over-scheduling and allow them to play with Montessori toys, letting their curiosity lead the way.

  • Hands-on learning: Encourage tactile experiences for your baby, such as feeling the sand or playing with soft toys. Montessori toys are perfect for engaging their senses and promoting sensory exploration.

Little boy playing with sand on the beach.

  • Enjoy nature: Take advantage of outdoor opportunities to introduce your baby to nature. Whether it's feeling the breeze or listening to birdsong, let them experience the wonders of the natural world.

  • Engage them in purposeful play: Babies can get overwhelmed when they travel. However, engaging them in purposeful play helps them feel happy and focused on something new. Playing with the same toy on a beach and in a living room is not the same experience.

  • Learn about your destination: Involve your baby in learning about where you're going. Show them pictures or talk about your plans together, helping them feel included and excited for the journey ahead.

Above all, remember to relax and enjoy the adventure with your little one. Vacations are a time for fun and bonding, so make the most of it with memorable moments and Montessori-inspired play!


Traveling with Montessori toys for babies on the go is like bringing along a friend who will keep them occupied for hours. These portable pals not only keep the little ones entertained but also spark their curiosity and development. Talk about benefits, right?

So, buckle up and get ready for a journey filled with giggles, growth, and great memories!

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